Friday, January 28, 2011

wedding of the year

Twilight Wedding: OK! gives you the intricate details of the upcoming big-screen ceremony, based on imagery in Stephenie Meyer’s cult vampire series. And just like in old Hollywood, a real-life wedding might not be far off — so far, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart’s relationship has mirrored Edward and Bella’s.

2009: The Year in Rob & Kristen

While the rest of the world went about business, for Twilight fans all over the globe, there was only one story worth reading about in 2009: The romance between Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, otherwise known as Edward Cullen and Bella Swan in the popular tweenage vamp series. Missed something? OK! takes a look back at the year in Robsten to fill in the gaps.
• With no Kristen around and New Moon filming far off, Rob complained about not being able to get a date in NYC. After reading that story, eleventy billion R-Pattz fans bought plane tickets to find him and assure him that they were available.
• The cast of New Moon finally reunites up in Vancouver to begin filming. Rob and the rest of the gang head out on the town to help Kristen celebrate her birthday. Kristen was still dating Michael Angarano at the time, but still… Wonder if she got a birthday smooch?
• Kristen returns the birthday love, going out with Rob for his birthday in Vancouver. With Kristen by his side, we can guess what he wished for!
• The heat turns up on Robsten as the two are spotted acting awfully flirtatious at a concert in Vancouver.
• Burgeoning passion between the two almost boils over during a fake-out kiss at the MTV Movie awards, after the twosome won “Best Kiss.” We’re sure they had fun practicing that one! A friend tells OK! after the awards: “Robert and Kristen spent a lot of time alone together when they filmed the first Twilight movie — they’d stay up most of the night talking, laughing, playing music. Although [Robert] knew Kristen had a boyfriend, he made no secret of the fact that he was crazy about her.”
• Just when things are heaing up between Rob and Kristen, he heads to NYC to start filming Remember Me while she stays behind in L.A. to film The Runaways.
Twilight’s director Catherine Hardwicke sort of admits the two could be dating. Crowds of fans crow, “Told ya so!”
• Sick of waiting on Kristen to break up with Michael Angarano, Rob tells her to choose. And (eventually), she picks R-Pattz!
• While Kristen summons the courage to split with Michael, Rob gets close with co-star Emilie de Ravin, and Kristen gets nervous.
• Kristen and Michael are done with (or near enough to it), and before seeing him again at Comic Con in San Diego, she gets herself prepped to go full steam ahead with Rob.
• Reunited and it feels so good! While their public reunion is a bit awkard, the private meet-up goes much better for Robsten.

just married

It was a scene as lush and romantic as every Breaking Dawn reader had imagined: Rob Pattinson as vampire Edward Cullen and Kristen Stewart as heroine Bella Swan, nearly naked in skimpy swimsuits, frolicking together over a waterfall in tropical Paraty, south of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on their honeymoon. Under a searing afternoon sun on Nov. 8, Twilight’s on- and off-screen lovers laughed giddily.
When Kristen hopped up on Rob’s back for a lift over the falls, there was no doubt the two actors were having fun. It was a moment sexy enough to make any Twi-hard swoon. And it was all in a day’s work: Rob, 24, and Kristen, 20, were in Brazil to shoot steamy scenes for The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, the fourth installment of Stephenie Meyer’s vampire series. And, as always for this couple, art and life were hopelessly intertwined.
“Rob and Kristen were in a world of their own, rehearsing and running the scene,” an on-set source says. “They were so cute together, looking very much in love — when they were filming and when the cameras were off.”

twilight baby

On the set of Breaking Dawn, Kristen Stewart is eager to embrace the next exciting chapter of Bella and Edward’s love story. In the new issue of OK!, on sale this week, we take a look at what’s new  in the Twilight Saga movies. The difficult birth of Bella Swan and Edward Cullen’s child is one of the most terrifying scenes in the whole Twilight series, and Kristen can’t wait to film it! “Bella does change a lot,” Kristen, 20, says. “She [becomes] such a mother. I think it will be awesome to see how much she’s changed from Twilight, where she’s a 17-year-old kid who doesn’t really care a whole lot, to see her become this matriarch.”
But Bella’s new maturity occurs only after she goes through the agony of delivering her half-human, half-vampire daughter, with the aid of Edward (Robert Pattinson). And the early word on the script of Breaking Dawn, which will be released as two movies, is that Renesmee’s birth will be every bit as shocking on screen as it is described in Stephenie Meyer’s novel.
In this week’s OK!, Kristen and Rob talk candidly about filming Bella’s pregnancy. Will the movie’s depiction remain close to the book? Plus, a collector’s edition yearbook as OK! looks back at how much has changed since the Twilight phenomenon began! And which Twilight hotties are still single?

Rob & Kristen — Ready to Wed!

As they’ve made the rounds promoting their new film, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson have been all smiles, as if they’re hiding a wonderful secret. But the secret is now out of the bag — a source says Rob and Kristen are talking about getting married soon. 
“I can totally see them doing it,” says a friend of the couple. “So many times now they’ve made us think they had already done it. They’ll go away for a long weekend and then, when they come back, Rob will refer to Kristen as his wife, and she’ll be all giggly and blushing.”
Recently, when the typically unconventional Kristen, 20, was asked about getting married, her answers surprised many of her fans. “I believe in marriage,” Kristen said. “I have a really great family, and I’d like [to add to it] someday.” What Kristen didn’t reveal is that she’s actually closer to making a serious commitment to Rob, 24, than anyone realize, according to the insider.
“They’re just crazy about each other,” says the insider. “It’s like an addiction.”
The couple, says the friend, view getting married as a natural progression in their intense and all-consuming relationship. “It’s kind of sad that people cringe at the word ‘marriage,’” Kristen recently explained to “If you’re in the right place, it could be the right thing for you.”
Kristen and Rob are in the right place, says the source, adding that an elopement- not a big wedding- could be around the corner for the Twilight lovers.
“If any Hollywood couple is likely to elope, it’s Rob and Kristen,” says the insider. “A big wedding would be her worst nightmare. She hates being in the spotlight, and even if she wasn’t a celebrity, she wouldn’t want a big ceremony; she hates people fussing over her. She’s like an anti-bride.”
However, a friend of Rob expects he would push for a slightly bigger celebration, which would include their families. The actor, who is close with his parents, Clare and Richard, would never exclude them from his wedding plans. “Rob is a mama’s boy, so if his mom wanted to see him walk down the aisle, he would do it for,” says the source.

inside our home

We’re not really sure who OK! magazine thinks they’re fooling with this week’s absurd “‘Twilight’ exclusive” about Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart’s “love nest.” But they’re not fooling real fans, and they’re not fooling Gossip Cop.
Let’s look at the cover.
“Inside Our Home” is the main cover line beneath a photo of the pair. It even allegedly quotes them: “We’re already like a married couple.” But that’s not all. Under the headline, it boasts, “Exclusive photos of our apartment … How we spend our private time … intimate details about our life at home …”
The implication is plain: that OK! interviewed Pattinson and Stewart. Pure and simple. The mag gives the impression they spoke with the two stars.
Now look at the article itself, which reads as a romance even Stephenie Meyer couldn’t conjure. There’s talk of Rob and Kristen cuddling, reading poetry, singing by the fireplace, luxuriating in Jacuzzis, and even microwaving Hot Pockets.
Gossip Cop wants to know how OK! knows these intimate details. They didn’t speak with Pattinson or Stewart, though they tried to give that impression.
And we called them on it. Literally.
We left messages with the author of the story and a rep for the magazine. Neither has given us a comment.
We’re still waiting. But we’re not holding our breath.

mtv movie awards

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart: What a difference a year makes! As Twilight’s Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart accepted the MTV Movie Award for Best Kiss for the second year in a row, their re-enactment was remarkably more realistic. To the joy of many Twi-hards, Rob kissed her like he meant it. Plus, a body language expert puts in her two cents on their contact during the show.