Friday, January 28, 2011

inside our home

We’re not really sure who OK! magazine thinks they’re fooling with this week’s absurd “‘Twilight’ exclusive” about Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart’s “love nest.” But they’re not fooling real fans, and they’re not fooling Gossip Cop.
Let’s look at the cover.
“Inside Our Home” is the main cover line beneath a photo of the pair. It even allegedly quotes them: “We’re already like a married couple.” But that’s not all. Under the headline, it boasts, “Exclusive photos of our apartment … How we spend our private time … intimate details about our life at home …”
The implication is plain: that OK! interviewed Pattinson and Stewart. Pure and simple. The mag gives the impression they spoke with the two stars.
Now look at the article itself, which reads as a romance even Stephenie Meyer couldn’t conjure. There’s talk of Rob and Kristen cuddling, reading poetry, singing by the fireplace, luxuriating in Jacuzzis, and even microwaving Hot Pockets.
Gossip Cop wants to know how OK! knows these intimate details. They didn’t speak with Pattinson or Stewart, though they tried to give that impression.
And we called them on it. Literally.
We left messages with the author of the story and a rep for the magazine. Neither has given us a comment.
We’re still waiting. But we’re not holding our breath.

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