Friday, January 28, 2011

Rob & Kristen Keep It Hot!

They’re unimaginably famous, carrying on a romance in the glare of the spotlight. But despite relentless public pressure, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart manage to keep their relationship intensely passionate — and fiercely private.
While the strikingly handsome Rob is a fixture on “hottest hunks” lists, what really makes Kristen swoon is his insatiable mind.
“She loves that Rob is interested in just about everything,” the insider explains. “There aren’t that many hot young guys out there who are as smart — and for Kristen that’s a huge turn-on.”
Rob hopes to marry Kristen one day. To prove it, he’s enlisted the help of his family. “Sometimes he’ll have his mom give her a call out of the blue. It’s another way to show Kristen he’s totally committed — and has every intention of [making her] an official part of the Pattinson family.”

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